Sunday, July 31, 2011

I'm your BIGGEST fan!

What does that even mean, anyway? How is bigness measured? Height? Mass? Volume? Width?

I like width. I could totally qualify as somebody's biggest fan based on width...

Every time someone claims "Biggest Fan" status, I want to put them in a lab with all the other multitudes that claim the same, and start running tests on them all.

But it would be rude to say that to them.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

incomplete, kinda fail sketch of Everisse Eterna

Scanner doesn't work, and I don't know how to draw things on the computer.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Because when I can't get a song out of my head, I play it on repeat
until my ears bleed.

Starlight by Muse.

Look it up... OR DIE.

No, not really. But still.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Rocket Science

Because, obviously, it takes a genius to fill a snowglobe with water.
Honestly. I collect snowglobes, and I mean, one is only half full, and
one is completely full with no airspace to shake it in.


This has been: The Daily Gripe, with Everisse Eterna.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

True Insanity

My friend owns Arma-Rose Sequester. The OCs in this are not the actual
representations of our OCs.


It is a Thursday. And Valkyrie Cain and Skulduggery Pleasant are
randomly standing around on the sidewalk, for no conceivable reason.
And then all of a sudden, a boy with stupid hair appears next to them.
A red-haired girl is standing behind him, twisting his arms behind his
back. Another girl, this one with green and pink hair has his shoulder
in a death grip. Skulduggery and Valkyrie stared. The girls smile,
releasing Fletcher.
"Um," says Valkyrie. The green-and-pink haired girl snorts. "Um to you
too!" she says. "I'm Arma-Rose, but you can call me Arma. You must be
Val and Skul."
Skulduggery tilts his head slightly. "Do we know you? How do you
know our names?"
"Oh, that's easy," said Arma. "From the boo-" She is silenced by the
redhead, who claps a hand over Arma's mouth. "Shut up!" she says.
"You're breaking the fourth wall!" She turns to the two detectives.
"Hullo! I'm Everisse, but you can call me Ev!" She looks them over.
"Are you two together yet?"
At this, Valkyrie turns a rather peculiar shade of scarlet, and
Skulduggery clears his throat. Arma frees herself by biting Everisse's
hand. "No way!" Arma shouts, and all of a sudden, Billy-Ray Sanguine
is standing right near them, looking faintly confuzzled. "VALGUINE!"
shouts Arma, and everyone stares at her. "VALDUGGERY!" replies
Everisse. "VALGUINE!"
The three canon characters look on with a mix of confusion,
annoyance and amusement. Sanguine coughs loudly, and the two girls
break off their shouting to look at him. "We're right here, ya know,"
he says. The two girls are silent for a minute, then pick up where
they left off.
"... What?"
"Uh. Nothing."

There is silence for a moment. Then everyone spontaneously combusts.


Monday, July 4, 2011

people keep poking me

The Story of Ursula Prase

Ursula was tired of her friends trying to drag her into violent
situations involving too many humans behaving poorly, so she
disappeared into the wilderness with her mule and her trusty dairy

She didn't know how to survive in the wilderness, of course, so she
died straight away, but the mule and goat did fine and had many
exciting adventures running away from bears and mountain lions and the

The end.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Buffalo Dip

Yeah. Hey. As much as scraping moulding buffalo cheese dip out of the bottom of a pan, then washing the pan, sounds...

It isn't.

If you'll excuse me, I have to go disinfect my whole body.

The Pocky Queen